The Phenomenology of Mind, Volume 2

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Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807) is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's most important and widely discussed philosophical work. Hegel's first book, it describes the three-stage dialectical life of Spirit. The title can be translated as either The Phenomenology of Spirit or The Phenomenology of Mind, because the German word Geist has both meanings. Phenomenology was the basis of Hegel's later philosophy and marked a significant development in German idealism after Kant. Focusing on topics in metaphysics, epistemology, physics, ethics, history, religion, perception, consciousness, and political philosophy, The Phenomenology is where Hegel develops his concepts of dialectic (including the Master-slave dialectic), absolute idealism, ethical life, and Aufhebung. The book had a profound effect in Western philosophy, and "has been praised and blamed for the development of existentialism, communism, fascism, death of God theology, and historicist nihilism."

Note, this is the second volume of two.
(Wikipedia) (0 hr 5 min)


Chapter 6 - Spirit 12:28 Read by Foon
Chapter 6A - Objective Spirit,--The Ethical Order 2:51 Read by Foon
Chapter 6A-a - The Ethical World: Law Human and Divine: Man and Woman 35:42 Read by Foon
Chapter 6A-b - Ethical Action. Knowledge, Human and Divine. Guilt and Destiny. 33:17 Read by Foon
Chapter 6A-c - The Condition of Right or Legal Status 15:12 Read by Foon
Chapter 6B - Spirit in Self-estrangement--The Discipline of Culture 14:00 Read by Foon
Chapter 6B(I)a - The World of Spirit in Self-estrangement - Culture and its Sph… 35:26 Read by Foon
Chapter 6B(I)a - The World of Spirit in Self-estrangement - Culture and its Sph… 39:35 Read by Foon
Chapter 6B(I)b - Belief and Pure Insight 20:11 Read by Foon
Chapter 6B(II)a - The Struggle of Enlightenment with Superstition 1:02:46 Read by Foon
Chapter 6B(II)b - The True Result of Enlightenment 17:25 Read by Foon
Chapter 6B(III) - Absolute Freedom and Terror 23:40 Read by Foon
Chapter 6C - Spirit in the Condition of being Certain of Itself: Morality 7:47 Read by Foon
Chapter 6C-a - The Moral View of the World 26:28 Read by Foon
Chapter 6C-b - Dissemblance 30:04 Read by Foon
Chapter 6C-c - Conscience: The "Beautiful Soul": Evil and the Forgiveness of it… 43:17 Read by Foon
Chapter 6C-c - Conscience: The "Beautiful Soul": Evil and the Forgiveness of it… 37:08 Read by Foon
Chapter 7 - Religion in General 26:35 Read by Foon
Chapter 7A - Natural Religion 8:13 Read by Foon
Chapter 7A-a - God as Light 4:58 Read by Foon
Chapter 7A-b - Plants and Animals as Objects of Religion 4:18 Read by Foon
Chapter 7A-c - The Artificer 9:25 Read by Foon
Chapter 7B - Religion in the Form of Art 8:16 Read by Foon
Chapter 7B-a - The Abstract Work of Art 25:51 Read by Foon
Chapter 7B-b - The Living Work of Art 11:43 Read by Foon
Chapter 7B-c - The Spiritual Work of Art 38:07 Read by Foon
Chapter 7C - Revealed Religion (part 1) 31:49 Read by Foon
Chapter 7C - Revealed Religion (part 2) 51:04 Read by Foon
Chapter 8 - Absolute Knowledge 47:24 Read by Foon