The Tale of Bobby Bobolink
Arthur Scott Bailey
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Arthur Scott Bailey, a native of the state of Vermont, wrote over forty children's books using a variety of animals, birds and even insects to entertain. The Tale of Bobby Bobolink is one of 16 stories of his Tuck-Me-In Tales series. - Summary by Larry Wilson (1 hr 44 min)
Somebody Is Expected | 4:11 | Read by Foon |
The Latest Arrival | 3:53 | Read by Foon |
Greetings | 4:49 | Read by Shasta |
Singing for Some One | 5:11 | Read by Shasta |
An Invitation | 5:21 | Read by Shasta |
Mrs. Bobolink Consents | 5:21 | Read by Shasta |
Passing the Test | 6:04 | Read by Shasta |
The House in the Meadow | 4:41 | Read by Shasta |
Johnnie Green Intrudes | 5:02 | Read by Shasta |
Fooling Johnnie Green | 4:16 | Read by Shasta |
Bobby's Names | 3:06 | Read by MartinW |
Mr. Crow Is Disagreeable | 3:02 | Read by MartinW |
Mr. Catbird's Trick | 3:51 | Read by Alice Hastie |
Frightening Mrs. Bobolink | 5:10 | Read by Alice Hastie |
Haying Time | 4:19 | Read by Alice Hastie |
Mr. Frog Is Amused | 4:51 | Read by Alice Hastie |
Turning the Tables | 4:34 | Read by Mitzi |
Timothy Turtle's Complaint | 4:04 | Read by Mitzi |
Bobby's Mistake | 4:06 | Read by James K. White |
A Hermit's Advice | 4:46 | Read by larryhayes7 |
How to Take Bad News | 5:16 | Read by larryhayes7 |
A Noisy Quarrel | 4:28 | Read by larryhayes7 |
Sleepy Benjamin Bat | 4:12 | Read by larryhayes7 |
A beautiful tale

Extract of the beginning: " I SOMEBODY IS EXPECTED On May Day the feathered folk in Pleasant Valley began to stop, look and listen. They were expecting somebody. "Have you seen him?" Rusty Wren asked Jolly Robin. Jolly Robin said that he hadn't; but he added that he was on the lookout. "Have you heard his song?" little Mr. Chippy inquired eagerly of Mr. Blackbird. "No!" that dusky rascal replied. "Not yet! Maybe he isn't coming here this summer." Mr. Blackbird liked to tease little Mr. Chippy. And generally when he tried to, he succeeded. "Oh! Don't say that!" Mr. Chippy exclaimed. "If I couldn't hear his gay voice I shouldn't care to spend a summer here myself." Over the meadow, beyond the stone wall where Mr. Chippy made his home in a wild grapevine, Mr. Meadowlark flew to the swampy place where the rushes grew, just to find a Red-winged Blackbird that he knew, in order to learn whether he had seen or heard the friend everybody was watching for. Perched upon a swaying last year's cattail, Mr. Red-winged Blackbird shook his head in reply. And he said that no doubt it would be a week before the looked-for arrival. "The season's a bit backward,"p. 3 Mr. Red-winged Blackbird remarked. "So I don't expect to set eyes on him to-day—though I have known him to get here as early as May Day." Mr. Meadowlark confessed that he was disappointed. "It would be a much gayer May Day," he said, "if his rollicking song rang over the meadow." "What's the matter with your own singing?" Mr. Red-winged Blackbird asked him—meaning that in his opinion Mr. Meadowlark had no reason to be ashamed of his own voice. "My song is not like his," Mr. Meadowlark answered. And he sighed as he spoke. "To be sure, some people are kind enough to say that my singing is unusually sweet. But you know yourself that there isn't a songster anywhere that can carol so joyfully as Bobby Bobolink.""

1 of my favorite books!!!!!!!!!