Bob and Ray WOR 782 March 05, 1976

Friday, March 05, 1976 0:00 Opening the Friday show with Herman Leptoff's rebuttal to a Bob & Ray editorial on Bulgarian immigrants. 4:25 On Mary Backstayge, Noble Wife, the gang arrives at their Genoa hotel on their way to Milan, and orders dinner, wine, and ketchup from a pre-recorded waiter. 8:20 Bob reads a reassuring commercial for Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks. 9:20 Squad Car 119, brought to you by Einbinder Flypaper. Tonight, a hair-raising tale of changing large bills at a store, while a burglary suspect flees on a bicycle. Did you know that Einbinder Flypaper is now available in baby-themed colors? 13:05 On The Gathering Dusk, Village Stock Broker And Security Analyst Dittenback drops by to discuss Miss Bessinger's stock picks; Edna learns several valuable investing tips. 17:20 Wing Po, the Old West Chinese philosopher seeking enlightenment and a job, meets a gang of gold robbers. 21:10 This Place For Heroes dramatizes the story of basketball player Slats Muddleman, who stands up to a gambling mob, and looks forward to being able to stand up again someday. 25:25 Tippy The Wonder Dog, with Grampa Witherspoon and Little Jasper counting on Tippy to save them from the blizzard. If they survive, they'll be all set for the Bicentennial. 29:35 Chatting with the audience, always a mistake. Today, Bob is mistaken for Charlie, and meets The Creeping Arbutus Lady. 31:50 Ray chats with Fred Falby, The Do-It-Yourselfer, who teaches how to make your own light bulbs for mere dollars on the penny. 35:10 The traditional Friday closing the studio ceremony, followed by the Good-Bye song. Annotated by Harry Wilson Next Episode:
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
BnR78203051976 | 36:49 |
great as always

Steve Sewall
great as always