Benjamin Freedman - Willard Hotel Speech 1961 from original LPs

Here is the complete recording of Benjamin Freedman speaking at the Willard Hotel in 1961 about Zionism and World War 3. From the original vinyl LPs.


BF mp3full 1:28:24


This is missing at least 30m

(0 stars)

This version is missing 30 minutes at least. The original speech reportedly came out on 2 speech LP records which might be taken to be 2 hours total; a cd version from Emissary Publications was issued a decade or two ago. Maybe the original speech totla was 2h 30m but I have never seen a legitimate version longer than 2h. The cdrom verson was available for quite a while at which has since gone, however its total file length was also a few seconds over 2h rather than e.g. 2-1/2 hours. There is a longer 2h47m version at e.g. - but basically like the others of that length starting from about 1h 28m it just duplicates its content.


(0 stars)

I digitized this from the original LPs.