The Metal Moon
R. F. Starzl
Read by Paul Harvey

With interplanetary exploration. expeditions will range through and beyond the solar system. Colonization will not be far behind. But what will the colonies be like at the end of several hundred centuries and would they even recognize each other as members of the same human stock? The book focuses on four different races, and what will be the outcome of contact between them.
- Summary by Paul Harvey (1 hr 41 min)
The Metal Moon | 20:05 | Read by Paul Harvey |
The Pleasure Bubble | 19:36 | Read by Paul Harvey |
The Coming of the Teardrops | 17:25 | Read by Paul Harvey |
The Monstrosities | 18:05 | Read by Paul Harvey |
The Struggle for Freedom | 26:10 | Read by Paul Harvey |

from an Era when the idea of humans on Jupiter wasn't inclined to induce scoffing & guffaws . the ether propeller was fun too.
A fun quick and classic read.

Seven Archers
Even though a little hokey, still a fun read. The reader didn't excellent job. Thank you Mr Harvey