So Big

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.6 stars; 26 reviews)

The story of Selina DeJong and her son Dirk, whom she affectionately calls So Big. After the death of her husband, Selina raises So Big on her own while managing her deceased husband's farm in Illinois. When So Big grows up, he moves to Chicago, where he finds himself drawn to the fast-money stock-broker lifestyle of the 1920s. So Big is conflicted: he wants to live in the world of speculation and finance, but he's aware that his mother (and his love interest, an artist) are disappointed that he hasn't lived up to the hard-working, hardscrabble values instilled by his mother. - Summary by Alexandra Atiya (9 hr 28 min)


Chapter I 27:39 Read by alexandraatiya
Chapter II 17:43 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter III 35:03 Read by alexandraatiya
Chapter IV 21:06 Read by alexandraatiya
Chapter V 41:56 Read by alexandraatiya
Chapter VI 17:49 Read by alexandraatiya
Chapter VII 17:16 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter VIII 41:53 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter IX 21:53 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter X 41:08 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XI 31:54 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XII 20:08 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XIII 38:26 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XIV 38:59 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XV 30:06 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XVI 36:59 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XVII 15:58 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XVIII 40:39 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XIX 13:05 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XX 9:45 Read by Mark Nelson
Chapter XXI 8:57 Read by Mark Nelson


Excellent Novel, Well Read

(4 stars)

I do not understand how a writer this good isn't better known. Fabulous story, not as Grim as first few chapters might indicate. well read, story will be familiar to anyone raised in remote farmlands.

(5 stars)

This is an absolutely wonderful story. An incredibly strong and fiercely independent woman raising her gentle soul of a son. This story ran parallel to my life, working hard, inadvertently raising a soft and thoughtful young man struggling to find his direction. Actually this was frighteningly similar to my current situation, just about 110 earlier. Made me cry, want the most for my quiet and uncertain son. Loved it

Near forgotten Pulitzer Prize winner

(4 stars)

After finding a first edition of So Big in a thrift store, I became interested in it's author and story. despite what seem to be a few recording glitches in the first few chapters, the story was compelling and well written, and the reading for the most part was very good. I was glad to find this rare treasure available on Librivox.

Enjoyed listening

(4 stars)

4 stars because I enjoy how the author writes. Reading is marvelous. But the book in whole is not 5 stars for me. One of her main themes is the meaning to life was to find/seel/express beauty. I can appreciate some of this point of view. Yes, we need to appreciate the beauty in everything...I think of Philippians 4:8 - "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things." Also, I appreciate her encouraging ideas to be yourself, not a copy of others, but your original self, is beautiful. But serving the Author of beauty, and sharing His Love for all (no matter if they see/express beauty in the mundane or not) this compassion to all of humanity, is missing.