Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad

Heart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad Riveting psychological drama tracks Mr. Marlow's perilous journey into the African Congo in search of Mr. Kurtz, who is missing in the interior and is believed to have gone mad. Starring: Lorne Greene, John Colicos, Jane Mallett CBC Stage, 23 Jan. 1949 Producer: Andrew Allan From Toronto Trans-Canada Network, 60 min. No. 17 of Stage 49. Rebroadcast CBC Stage, 6 June 1951 Producer: Andrew Allan From Toronto Trans-Canada Network, 60 min. No. 31 of Stage 51. Rebroadcast CBC Stage, 10 Jan. 1954 Producer: Andrew Allan From Toronto Trans-Canada Network 60 min. No. 15 of Stage 54. Heart of Darkness is a frame narrative recounting Charles Marlow's voyage down the Congo River. Kurtz might be the apple of every british imperialist’s eye, but his God complex is getting wildly out of hand in the depths of the jungle. What on earth will Marlow find when he finally gets downriver? Devil worship? Savages? Heads on sticks? Or just another nutty white man with his knickers in a twist?
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Heart Of Darkness | 57:51 |
cut too much

this was a badly cut version of the book.