Captain's Away By Joe Mahoney

FASTER THAN LIGHT TALES OF TIME AND IMAGINATION "Captain's Away" by Joe Mahoney - Part One of a planned original Science Fiction drama serial. We meet Karin Kudelka ā who is either an alien captain on an interstellar starship ā or one of the best darn waitresses around. Based upon, "The Cold Equations", a full-cast adaptation of the Science Fiction short story by Tom Godwin, first published in Astounding Magazine in 1954. Commentary by Robert Sawyer about Science Fiction. The pilot episode for a proposed hour-long Science Fiction series from CBC Radio's Drama Department, hosted by SF writer Robert J. Sawyer, produced by Joe Mahoney and Barbara Worthy, an interview with Nalo Hopkinson, a Jamaican speculative fiction writer and editor. Sunday Showcase CBC Radio 1 From Toronto 22 September 2002
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
The Cold Equations | 59:15 |

MaryAnne Campbell
Not a book. seens to be a recording of current news.
Where's the book?

A LibriVox Listener
The book seems to start after a news clip. Perhaps an indication of this in the description would help people.

not sure how i feel about it. if this were multi parts, id follow it but feel like im hanging in air
there's no story, it's a news broadcast

unless I am screwing up this app, Theres no STORY
Run far away

John Prentiss
Don't even bother.