A Personal Record
Joseph Conrad
Read by Peter Dann

Conrad began dictating the series of loose autobiographical sketches that would become 'A Personal Record' in 1911, when he was half way through writing 'Under Western Eyes'. His avowed aim was to give his readers a sense of 'the man behind the work', and he certainly succeeded in creating a vivid impression of the kind of Joseph Conrad he would have liked to have been seen as: a man capable of wry humour and self-deprecation, but a sober, serious man too, prepared to face life as he found it. While some of the moments Conrad recalls seem slight enough in themselves - a general's daughter barges into his room while he is writing the end of 'Nostromo'; he supervises the unloading of a pony for the real Almayer up a river in Borneo - his manner of interweaving various episodes, abruptly dropping one and leaping to another epoch of his life, interspersing all with reflections on life and his own art - all this is Conrad at his most engaging. (Summary by Peter Dann) (4 hr 37 min)
A Familiar Preface | 21:30 | Read by Peter Dann |
Chapter I | 43:56 | Read by Peter Dann |
Chapter II | 39:45 | Read by Peter Dann |
Chapter III | 40:48 | Read by Peter Dann |
Chapter IV | 39:09 | Read by Peter Dann |
Chapter V | 29:49 | Read by Peter Dann |
Chapter VI | 40:34 | Read by Peter Dann |
Chapter VII | 22:25 | Read by Peter Dann |
Wonderful Insight

Scott in Sandy Eggo
Probably one of the best autobiographical works by such a humble yet accomplished author. Thanks to Peter Dann for bringing so much of Conrad’s work to us with such excellent talent in his reading.

Johnmeshack Banda
Educative and very inspiring for an ardent learner of English Literature that I am.