The Truth about the Titanic
Archibald Gracie
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Colonel Archibald Gracie was the first survivor of the sinking of the Titanic to die, and this first-hand account was published posthumously. He attempts to dispel some of the rumors surrounding the tragic event and gives his personal observations and an account of his survival clinging to the hull of an overturned collapsible lifeboat after helping many others to escape safely. A large portion of the book is given to personal accounts of other survivors from both the American and British boards of inquiry, boat by boat. - Summary by Larry Wilson (8 hr 29 min)
Engrossing and Enlghtening

Engrossing and enlightening factual account of the Titanic disaster from the perspective of a socially prominent passenger who narrowly escaped death by climbing onto an overturned lifeboat. Survivor Archibald Gracie’s supplements his impeccably detailed personal account with corroborated accounts from other witnesses and ship records. An invaluable resource on the event and fascinating, moving, story. The readers are all clear and capable, allowing the author’s words to come through as intended.
The rest of the story

Interesting, but some weird readers

Might just be me but the first couple of chapters repeat the first chapter.? Thought it was stuck on a loop. Kept thinking I have heard this bit before.
So glad to find this audio book

Karen Bromberg
I enjoyed that this book contains the account of the Titanic. I enjoyed it.