Meditations and Prayers

Read by InTheDesert

(4.3 stars; 5 reviews)

The writings of Bradford, as a chaplain and friend of Bishop Ridley, are of interest to all churchmen; and they embrace topics of deep import, which have more or less exercised the minds of devout believers in every period of the church of Christ. They fully justify the encomium of Foxe: ‘Sharply he opened and reproved sin; sweetly he preached Christ crucified; pithily he impugned heresies and errors; earnestly he persuaded to godly life’. They shew, ‘how godly he occupied his time, being prisoner; what special zeal he bare to the state of Christ’s church; what care he had to perform his office; how earnestly he admonished all men; how tenderly he comforted the heavy-hearted; how fruitfully be confirmed them whom he had taught.’ - Summary by Editor's Preface (1 hr 8 min)


read too fast

(2 stars)

these are prayers...the words convey a message to be savoured...not wolfed down.