Daughter of the Sky: The Story of Amelia Earhart

Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

(4 stars; 5 reviews)

This is an engaging biography of the renowned aviator. In his introduction, Briand says, " Amelia Earhart was one of America’s great heroines; her life was in many ways unique. She was one of a kind, and the fabric of her life was woven of strands that are rarely produced: she had an insatiable curiosity about everything in life—ideas, books, people, places, mechanical things; she loved all kinds of sports and games, especially those “only for boys”; she fidgeted with an implacable unrest to experiment, to try new things; she teemed with a zest for living, paradoxically entwined with a gnawing and pervasive longing to be alone; and, finally, she brooded with a fatalism toward death, which she met with a tremendous will to live." - Summary by Ciufi Galeazzi (7 hr 57 min)


Part One THE FRIENDSHIP FLIGHT 01. Boston Social Worker 20:12 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
02. Childhood in Kansas 5:48 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
03. Halifax and Trepassey 11:10 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
04. Atchison Tomboy 12:07 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
05. Over the Atlantic 4:30 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
06. PreMed at Columbia 7:33 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
07. Land! 3:51 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
08. A Sack of Potatoes 5:55 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
09. In the Public Eye 11:43 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
Part Two THE WORLD OF FLIGHT 1.Wealth and Independence 11:50 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
2. Vagabond of the Air 13:51 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
3. The Kinney Canary 4:02 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
4. Aviation Editor 6:52 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
5.The First Women's Air Derby 7:46 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
6. Developing Air Lines 9:16 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
7. George Palmer Putnam 12:46 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
8. Marriage 12:33 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
9. Solo Across the Atlantic 15:11 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
10. Other Atlantics 5:27 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
11. Flying in California 18:49 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
12. The Girl and the Machine 11:01 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
13. A Real Heroine 13:05 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
14. Solo from Hawaii to California 17:02 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
15. Nurse's Aide in Toronto 9:59 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
16. Back Home Again 5:58 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
17. Solo from California to Mexico 12:55 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
18. Solo from Mexico to New Jersey 13:09 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
19. Purdue University 16:27 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
Part Three: THE LAST FLIGHT 1. Crack-up in Hawaii 30:00 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
2. New Route, New Preparations 13:58 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
3. Miami to Africa 25:55 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
4. Africa to India 21:30 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
5. India to Australia 23:04 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
6. New Guinea to Howland Island 26:51 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
7. The Disappearance and the Search 15:16 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
8. The Fog of Rumors 6:46 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi
9. The Light of Fact: A Mystery Solved? 13:16 Read by Ciufi Galeazzi