Weird Tales Presents: Dark Stories of Stark, Unreasoning Terror

Read by Ben Tucker

(4 stars; 11 reviews)

Grandmaster of weird fiction Robert E. Howard is perhaps most well-known as the forefather of dark fantasy via creations like Conan the Barbarian and Solomon Kane. While not as well-known but no less strange and mesmerizing are his tales of agonizing horror found in Weird Tales Magazine, many of which take places in the grim and stark swamp lands and forests of the American South, showing us terrifying visions of the ghastly and grisly that may lurk, not in faraway lands of magic and mystery, but just around the corner. Join Mr. Howard on a journey through what may be his most heart-stopping, pulse-pounding stories of horror in this thrilling collection ripped from the pages of Weird Tales! - Summary by Ben Tucker (6 hr 22 min)


Black Hound of Death Chapter 1. The Killer in the Dark 8:40 Read by Ben Tucker
Black Hound of Death Chapter 2. "Dead Men with Torn Throats!" 26:10 Read by Ben Tucker
Black Hound of Death Chapter 3. Black Hands 11:05 Read by Ben Tucker
Black Hound of Death Chapter 4. The Hound of Satan 14:19 Read by Ben Tucker
The Dream Snake 16:51 Read by Ben Tucker
Dig Me No Grave 31:16 Read by Ben Tucker
Sea Curse 15:56 Read by Ben Tucker
The Fearsome Touch of Death 12:38 Read by Ben Tucker
The Fire of Asshurbanipal 56:22 Read by Ben Tucker
In the Forest of Villefère 8:26 Read by Ben Tucker
Wolfshead 50:07 Read by Ben Tucker
The Haunter of the Ring 35:22 Read by Ben Tucker
The Hyena 27:11 Read by Ben Tucker
The Grisly Horror Chapter 1. The Horror in the Pines 8:52 Read by Ben Tucker
The Grisly Horror Chapter 2. Black Torture 12:48 Read by Ben Tucker
The Grisly Horror Chapter 3. The Black Priest 16:57 Read by Ben Tucker
The Grisly Horror Chapter 4. The Black God's Hunger 16:19 Read by Ben Tucker
The Grisly Horror Chapter 5. The Voice of Zemba 13:30 Read by Ben Tucker