The Animate and the Inanimate

Read by Leon Harvey

Sidis wrote The Animate and the Inanimate to elaborate his thoughts on the origin of life, cosmology, and the potential reversibility of the second law of thermodynamics through Maxwell's Demon, among other things. It was published in 1925, but it has been suggested that Sidis was working on the theory as early as 1916. One motivation for the theory appears to be to explain psychologist and philosopher William James's "reserve energy" theory, which proposed that people subjected to extreme conditions could use "reserve energy". Sidis' own "forced prodigy" upbringing was a result of testing the theory. The work is one of the few that Sidis did not write under a pseudonym. - Summary by Wikipedia (3 hr 35 min)


Preface 6:05 Read by Leon Harvey
I. The Reverse Universe 8:42 Read by Leon Harvey
II. Reversible Laws 4:25 Read by Leon Harvey
III. Irreversibility 8:13 Read by Leon Harvey
IV. The Paradox 16:05 Read by Leon Harvey
V. The Probabilities in the Problem 4:56 Read by Leon Harvey
VI. Solution of the Paradox 12:30 Read by Leon Harvey
VII. Theories of Life 13:52 Read by Leon Harvey
VIII. The Extension of the Second Law 11:43 Read by Leon Harvey
IX. The Relation Between the Tendencies 5:44 Read by Leon Harvey
X. Exothermic and Endothermic Substances 8:41 Read by Leon Harvey
XI. Theories of the Origin of Life 11:06 Read by Leon Harvey
XII. The Astronomical Universe 26:43 Read by Leon Harvey
XIII. The Nebular Hypothesis 20:09 Read by Leon Harvey
XIV. The Reversibility Theory of Cosmogony 9:03 Read by Leon Harvey
XV. The Pseudo-Living Organisms 10:54 Read by Leon Harvey
XVI. Psychological Aspect of Reversal 15:25 Read by Leon Harvey
XVII. General Summary of the Theory 13:06 Read by Leon Harvey
XVIII. Some Objections to the Reversibility Theory. XIX. Conclusion 7:47 Read by Leon Harvey