Poems Concerning the Slave Trade

Read by Alan Mapstone

Robert Southey, a future Poet Laureate, was born in Bristol, one of the principal ports in England for the slave trade. He wrote these poems to try to raise awareness of the brutal reality of the trade in a generally apathetic populace.

Lord Grenville, who is addressed in the final poem, was British Prime Minister in 1807 when the slave trade was abolished throughout the British Empire.

(Summary by Alan Mapstone) (0 hr 28 min)


Sonnets 7:56 Read by Alan Mapstone
To the Genius of Africa 3:57 Read by Alan Mapstone
The Sailor, who had served in the slave trade 7:55 Read by Alan Mapstone
Verses spoken in the Theatre at Oxford, upon the installation of Lord Grenville 8:39 Read by Alan Mapstone