Lancelot Biggs Collection

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.2 stars; 5 reviews)

First mate Lancelot Biggs of the rundown space lugger Saturn is a sort of jackass of all trades. It doesn't matter what duties the ship's captain Hanson assigns his Mr. Biggs - "Merdejo!" ensues. The captain and crew might wish to airlock-eject the first mate but their Mr. Biggs is the nephew of a real mister bigshot in the Corporation that owns the Saturn. What might sound like bad news for the mekel and clab hauling ship and her crew is fun for us! Listen in on the misguided misadventures of the Saturn in the words of her wise cracking radio man Bert "Sparks" Donovan. - Summary by Brian Fullen (8 hr 58 min)


F.O.B. Venus 34:14 Read by Brian Fullen
Lancelot Biggs Cooks a Pirate 41:16 Read by Brian Fullen
The Madness of Lancelot Biggs 48:20 Read by Paul Hampton
Lancelot Biggs, Master Navigator 43:59 Read by Paul Hampton
The Genius of Lancelot Biggs 57:29 Read by DJRickyV
The Downfall of Lancelot Biggs 34:12 Read by Chris Pyle
Where Are You, Mr. Biggs? 34:50 Read by Douglas Wood
The Ghost of Lancelot Biggs 44:10 Read by Douglas Wood
The Return of Lancelot Biggs 39:37 Read by pipes
The Love Song of Lancelot Biggs 46:07 Read by pipes
Mr. Biggs Goes to Town (Part 1) 27:08 Read by tshoes76
Mr. Biggs Goes to Town (Part 2) 27:42 Read by tshoes76
The Ordeal of Lancelot Biggs 59:54 Read by JoshonTape



(2.5 stars)

If you're looking for some cute individual stories this is where you want to be. But unfortunately it becomes pretty predictable. into trouble no answer to trouble and then all of a sudden everything works out. But the stories are innovative and keep your interest but about midway through you pretty much know what's going to happen.

Lancelot Biggs

(4.5 stars)

I think Lancelot wrote this as a Memoir Far enough from reality to survive outer space