The Last Trail

Read by John W. Michaels

(4.5 stars; 617 reviews)

Return with us to those thrilling days of yesteryear as Mike Vendetti narrates this early Zane Grey novel of hardy pioneers taming the wild west. Yes, despite the difficult times, romance flourishes and the bad guys are eliminated almost single handedly as our heroes Jonathan Zane and his sidekick Lew “Deathwind” Wetzel fight their way through mud, blood, gore, savage Indians, and despicable outlaws, to make the land safe for pioneer families as they settle the wild west. Summary by Mike Vendetti. (7 hr 58 min)


01 - Chapter I 12:30 Read by John W. Michaels
02 - Chapter II 24:20 Read by John W. Michaels
03 - Chapter III 19:32 Read by John W. Michaels
04 - Chapter IV 30:27 Read by John W. Michaels
05 - Chapter V 14:08 Read by John W. Michaels
06 - Chapter VI 29:43 Read by John W. Michaels
07 - Chapter VII 22:37 Read by John W. Michaels
08 - Chapter VIII 17:36 Read by John W. Michaels
09 - Chapter IX 18:31 Read by John W. Michaels
10 - Chapter X 12:55 Read by John W. Michaels
11 - Chapter XI 19:04 Read by John W. Michaels
12 - Chapter XII 33:59 Read by John W. Michaels
13 - Chapter XIII 22:40 Read by John W. Michaels
14 - Chapter XIV 21:07 Read by John W. Michaels
15 - Chapter XV 13:19 Read by John W. Michaels
16 - Chapter XVI 11:16 Read by John W. Michaels
17 - Chapter XVII 21:20 Read by John W. Michaels
18 - Chapter XVIII 20:56 Read by John W. Michaels
19 - Chapter IXX 18:39 Read by John W. Michaels
20 - Chapter XX 26:34 Read by John W. Michaels
21 - ChapterXXI 14:34 Read by John W. Michaels
22 - Chapter XXII 19:56 Read by John W. Michaels
23 - Chapter XXIII 11:15 Read by John W. Michaels
24 - Chapter XXIV 14:12 Read by John W. Michaels
25 - Chapter XXV 7:44 Read by John W. Michaels


The Last Trail

(5 stars)

Interesting and exciting story well read. It was a bit frustrating to have to reach for the volume control each time the narrator was using a woman's "voice", he would significantly drop the volume of his voice. Other than that, the narrator was outstanding! It truly intensify the pleasure of such a GOOD story.

many thanks...

(5 stars)

My thanks to Mike Vendetti for bringing Zane Grey’s words to life with. His voice and tone lent such passion to those words and was eminently “ listenable”.


(4.5 stars)

Good reader although errors in a number of words... Amazing how beautifully Zane describes the terrain... His years in Arizona are a testament to his observations... Seems to understand human nature in this story... Simple clasp of hands between men, for example. It is a story of the west...half romance half searching for rustlers... Would have liked a more compromising ending for the border man


(4 stars)

thank you to Mike Vendetti for about as good as. narrating gets. Zane Grey is a great great western author. the story was well paced, exciting, believable and interesting. I would call it a real page turner. I thoroughly enjoyed it. here is an incomplete character list. @ Fort Henry Jonathan Jack Zane - boarder man. Wetsyl - 2nd boarder man. Curnel Zane - head of fort, brother of Jonathan. Cylas - Isaac Zane - has Indian wife, brother of the Zanes? Helen - important character, pretty, in love with Jonathan. Will Shepherd -lives @fort. Betty - sister of the Zanes. Mable -. Roger Brad -. Williams -. Mensor - Inn owner. Case - drinker gambler sailor, knife fighter. Brat - drinker gambler, x lover of hellen? Legged - outlaw? Jenx - outlaw leader.

(5 stars)

We don't often remember the days when an area so close to the Eastern Seaboard was "wild wilderness " with Indian trouble. It's very different from Western tales we hear, and a reminder there are many tales & many views waiting to be heard. Well done.


(5 stars)

Great book about frontier America in the days when men were men and women were women. Most excellent reader with a superb voice (except for about a five or ten minute stretch when it sounded like he was trying to "emote"!).

(5 stars)

this book is awesome. I have found only a handful more that r as good. a few by z.grey such as riders of the. purple sage, spirit. of the. boarder, and by max brand the trilogy of whistling. Dan Barry is great.

(4.5 stars)

While the story itself is excellent in its general content it is unfortunately ripe with with racism, no doubt a product of it’s time. Some caution and discussions may be advisable if listen with younger people.