Ester Ried Yet Speaking
Read by TriciaG

Authored by Isabella M. Alden under the pen name "Pansy." Fourth in the Chautauqua Girls series. Alfred Ried (brother of Ester Ried from that series) wants to help the hundreds of poor street boys in his city to come to faith and improve their conditions, but is discouraged and overwhelmed with the task. Enter Flossy (Shipley) Roberts, a willing worker who focuses on 7 such boys and especially on one. (Note: While the title suggests this to be in the Ester Ried series and does intersect it, it actually fits better into the Chautauqua Girls series.) (Summary by TriciaG)
Previous book in series: Ruth Erskine's Crosses
Next book in series: Judge Burnham's Daughters (7 hr 55 min)
A wonderful witness

Some will say this book is gilt-edged, rose-tinted, and it's easy for a writer to make this work. Flossie Shipley is now Mrs Evan Roberts, and meets Alfred Ried from the Ester Ried series. Together with new friends and old they take up the challenge of befriending, witnessing to, and winning to Christ a group of the most deprived and unwinnable young men and their families known to the local police officer. Th key is, in my opinion, that Flossie determines to have a Christian home: one where not only is Christ honoured, but that every penny or hundred dollars, every colour of decor or sparkling cut glass goblet is to serve her Master as she does. Don't laugh or scorn a "rich benefits poor" prejudice you didn't know you harboured. I learned more about reaching individuals from this book than from almost any other, and I use its principles, even if I can't afford it's methods. Thanks to these principles being lived out, I do witness to others, and I have served my Lord as I longed to.
truly engaging

Light reading with moral teachings throughout. Less deaths and thereby easier listening. Should anyone be unsure of religion, these books offer an opportunity to engage with God’s kingdom.
Perfect Ending

From sin to grace by the power of God - available to all whether rich or poor.

Alison Morias
As usual, I was so moved by the faith of the characters in this work by Pansy. Thank you to Tricia G for the lovely reading and making Pansy’s work available to others. My faith is strengthened as I listen to these books - I praise the Lord for you!
Chautauqua and Ester Ried converge.

GM Jones
TriciaG is correct in that this book belongs to the Chautauqua series, but i first listened to it as a part of Ester Ried. let me say it's definitely one to re-experience no matter which series you are reading. :-) Dec 2020 and June 2021
Ester Ried Yet Speaking

Elizabeth Williams
If each Christian could be so impressed as to realize that they are the light for a hurting, stumbling world, how much more earnestly would they live their lives!

The book itself is wonderfully enriching and thought-provoking. The reader is absolutely excellent. No improvement needed.

A LibriVox Listener
Third time I listened to this book