Starman's Quest

Read by Dawn Larsen

(4.5 stars; 180 reviews)

Travelling at speeds close to that of light, spacemen lived at an accelerated pace. When one of the twin boys left the starship, he grew older while his twin in space barely aged. So the starship twin left the ship to find what happened to his brother who was aging away on earth. (5 hr 16 min)


01 - Prologue 5:24 Read by Dawn Larsen
02 - Chapter 01 19:46 Read by Dawn Larsen
03 - Chapter 02 16:31 Read by Dawn Larsen
04 - Chapter 03 12:55 Read by Dawn Larsen
05 - Chapter 04 17:01 Read by Dawn Larsen
06 - Chapter 05 22:07 Read by Dawn Larsen
07 - Chapter 06 15:35 Read by Dawn Larsen
08 - Chapter 07 14:59 Read by Dawn Larsen
09 - Chapter 08 14:24 Read by Dawn Larsen
10 - Chapter 09 19:09 Read by Dawn Larsen
11 - Chapter 10 17:43 Read by Dawn Larsen
12 - Chapter 11 17:15 Read by Dawn Larsen
13 - Chapter 12 15:24 Read by Dawn Larsen
14 - Chapter 13 17:06 Read by Dawn Larsen
15 - Chapter 14 15:38 Read by Dawn Larsen
16 - Chapter 15 16:02 Read by Dawn Larsen
17 - Chapter 16 16:45 Read by Dawn Larsen
18 - Chapter 17 16:24 Read by Dawn Larsen
19 - Chapter 18 12:25 Read by Dawn Larsen
20 - Chapter 19 14:21 Read by Dawn Larsen


An enjoyable and engaging story

(4.5 stars)

I really enjoyed this story. It was a little bit different than I expected, and that was a good thing. It’s a good tail and it has a few good twists and turns as it goes, is well paced and a good length.

Fair Story, Good Narrator

(4 stars)

One of Silverberg's first written two years after his first major sci fi award. Nice story, somewhat predictable, but a fair early attempt on space-time issue. Well read by Dawn Larsen

(3.5 stars)

Lots of anachronisms, boring dystopian Earth, frustrating missing details, numerous illogical events and blatant errors. It’s still a good story if you can get by all of that.

(3 stars)

Pleasant story but rather slow to develop not what I would call adventurous really but passes the time fine

Thank you

(5 stars)

a wonderful swashbuckling tale that held my attention right to the end

Excellent time and space

(5 stars)

Interesting and engaging story with an excellent reader

I can't get enough of Robert Silverberg!

(5 stars)

what a great read.

(5 stars)

Enjoyed the story and really liked Dawn Larsen's narration. My thanks.