Arizona Sketches

Read by Bellona Times

(3.6 stars; 8 reviews)

An introduction to Arizona from approximately a century ago. (Summary by BellonaTimes) (4 hr 10 min)


01- A Romantic Land 15:34 Read by Bellona Times
02- My first trip to Arizona 16:27 Read by Bellona Times
03- The open range 16:06 Read by Bellona Times
04- Ranch life 13:54 Read by Bellona Times
05- The Round-Up 15:16 Read by Bellona Times
06- Ranch Happenings 16:18 Read by Bellona Times
07- A model ranch 11:55 Read by Bellona Times
08- Some Desert Plants 18:50 Read by Bellona Times
09- Hooker's Hot Springs 10:24 Read by Bellona Times
10- CaƱon Echoes 25:59 Read by Bellona Times
11- The Meteorite Mountain 16:23 Read by Bellona Times
12- The Cliff Dwellers 16:49 Read by Bellona Times
13- The Moqui Indians 34:45 Read by Bellona Times
14- A Fine Climate 21:54 Read by Bellona Times



(3 stars)

It was interesting listening to a perspective on Arizona from the 1800's. The author covered a range of topics, some of which may be foreign or not pc to the modern reader, and others a bit dull. I listened to most of it while half asleep, so I'm sure I missed some things. But it was very effective at putting me back in the land of Nod. I suspect that there were some audio issues in the last two chapters, but these didn't seem to bother me too much. Many thanks to the narrator for his efforts.

(3 stars)

This reader did not bother to familiarize themself with correct pronunciation of words with Mexican roots. It got very tiresome listening to incorrect pronunciations.