Jyl of Breyntfords Testament
Robert Copland
Read by Grant Hurlock

Introduction - This is a collection of ten comic pieces from the 16th century and earlier, as compiled and edited by Frederick Furnivall for private circulation in 1871. (Introduction by Grant Hurlock) (1 hr 15 min)
0 - Forewords | 9:21 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
1 - Jyl of Breyntfords Testament | 20:35 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
2 - The Wyll of the Devyll, and last Testament | 21:01 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
3 - A Talk of Ten Wives on their Husbands' Ware | 5:39 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
4 - A Balade or two by CHAUCER | 6:09 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
5 - Devotissima Suffragia pro Mulieribus impregnandis | 2:17 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
6 - Proverbe | 1:34 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
7 - Doctrina et Consilium Galienis | 1:37 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
8 - The Meaning of Marriage (a Scotch story) | 3:39 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
9 - Ane prettie Jeist of ane Eremeit in Italye | 3:31 | Read by Grant Hurlock |
(Very) bawdy and satirical bits and pieces

This collection is ideal for language historians with dirty minds. English had (apparently) evolved from the baffling Middle English (Chaucer) when these were written, but not close enough to modern English for me to understand much of what's said. Kudos to the reader for slogging through it. Still, you will understand enough to blush (if you still can). These are not subtle works of art, they are essentially dirty jokes.