The Augsburg Confession

Read by Jonathan Lange

(5 stars; 25 reviews)

The Augsburg Confession is the first and most fundamental Confession of the Lutheran Church. It was composed for a public reading at the Diet of Augsburg on June 25, 1530. Although written by Melanchthon, it was presented as the official answer of the undersigned German princes to the summons of Emperor Charles V. Two copies were presented on the same day, one in German, the other in Latin. This work translates a conflation of the German and Latin texts and was prepared for the Concordia Triglotta of 1921. (Introduction by Jonathan Lange) (1 hr 39 min)


0 - Preface 8:32 Read by Jonathan Lange
1 - Chief Articles 1-21 27:05 Read by Jonathan Lange
2 - Abuse Articles 22-26 29:57 Read by Jonathan Lange
3 - Abuse Articles 27-28 33:45 Read by Jonathan Lange


A wonderful reading!

(5 stars)

The audio was great and a joy to hear.


(5 stars)

Man and church making bad laws for People to follow. Talks about the shaming People, things that weigh on the conscience and even talks about infidelity. Scriptures are listed to back it all up. Read very well by Johnathan Lange as always. Well worth listening too.

(5 stars)

It is very good. It gives you some context for the specifics of the controversies that led to the reformation.

Meet and right

(5 stars)

This is the Christian Faith.

Timeless truth

(5 stars)

A fine reading of timeless truth