The Smalcald Articles
Martin Luther
Read by Jonathan Lange

A summary of Lutheran doctrine, written by Martin Luther in 1537 for a meeting of the Schmalkaldic League in preparation for an intended ecumenical Council of the Church. Luther's patron, Elector John Frederick of Saxony, asked him to prepare these articles for the League's meeting in 1537, held again in Schmalkalden. Though they were not adopted at the meeting of the Schmalkaldic League in 1537, they were widely used and were incorporated into the Book of Concord in 1580 as one of the Lutheran Confessions of the faith. (from Wikipedia) (1 hr 36 min)
0 - Preface | 10:17 | Read by Jonathan Lange |
1 - Parts I & II | 32:10 | Read by Jonathan Lange |
2 - Part III, i - iii | 30:07 | Read by Jonathan Lange |
3 - Part III, iv-xv | 24:19 | Read by Jonathan Lange |
Luther is always worth listening!

Kirk McQuillan
Great content from Martin Luther! Always a blessing and no one preaches the Good News of Christ Jesus better! Well read! Many thanks to all who made the audio book possible! And for free!

A LibriVox Listener
Outstanding! Very well read and an important book to both be read and heard. Thank you.

Thanks for making the works of Martin Luther available on Librivox. Well read by Jonathan Lange.