Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Physics (Greek: Φυσικὴ ἀκρόασις; Latin: Physica, or Physicae Auscultationes) discusses concepts including: substance, accident, the infinite, causation, motion, time and the Prime Mover. (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards) (9 hr 37 min)
Then don't listen.

If your text speech synthesis works better then you don't need this. You did not pay for this. Nobody asked you to use this app and service. If you don't like a reading don't listen to it . Give constructive feedback or better yet volunteer yourself to read for Librivox. The reader sounds fine.

Joe Bigler
I started listening to audio books using the speakers in my Android phone or iPad mini. Then I connected my devices to my car stereo. Big difference. All the readers sound much better. I try to keep in mind these are mostly volunteers that are not professional readers. They do this for free. Thank you. Try listening using better quality speakers and let us know if that changed your rating, My main criticism of this book is Aristotle’s writing style. I would love to hear a professional book reader read this book to see if they could make it more palatable. I am wondering if the readers are offered any training. Are there any audio books on how to become a better book reader?
the reader is killing me

Please stop this person from reading anymore books

steve boda
I have no idea what the book was good or what it was like couldn't get past the reader what the hell was that
Bad Reading

Anonymous Stranger
The reader might well be a really nice and caring person, but his voice and reading style are horrid.

sci-fi nut
Sorry to say this, but my text to speech software reads it better.

people are complaining about his voice but the microphone quality is good so as long as you have the text in front of you, following along shouldn't be difficult
booo, seriously "hard to listen to. wish we had a few options
