Love Letters of Mrs. Piozzi, Written When She Was Eighty
Hester Lynch Piozzi
Read by Crln Yldz Ksr

Born into the influential Welsh Salusbury family and married to the rich brewer Henry Thrale, Hester Piozzi was associated to the most illustrious figures of London society in her time, among others the famous Samuel Johnson, to whose biography her diaries added valuable details. After surviving Mr. Thrale and her second husband Gabriel Mario Piozzi, at the age of 80, she fell in love with William Augustus Conway, to whom she wrote these letters. - Summary by Carolin (1 hr 8 min)
Preface | 25:52 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Letter I | 11:12 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Letter II | 8:54 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Letter III | 2:19 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Letter IV | 2:03 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Letter V | 7:31 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Letter VI | 6:42 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |
Letter VII | 3:28 | Read by Crln Yldz Ksr |

Mystic Toad
Odd reader! Intonation on many words curious, overemphasises last syllable when not natural... Sounds a bit like a satnav in many places. "Follow this road for a long time" etc. Otherwise respect for making the letters available :-)