Final Report from the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill…
National Commission On The Bp Deepwater Horizon Oil Spi
Read by LibriVox Volunteers

On April 20, 2010, the Macondo well blew out, costing the lives of 11 men, and beginning a catastrophe that sank the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and spilled over 4 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The spill disrupted an entire region's economy, damaged fisheries and critical habitats, and brought vividly to light the risks of deepwater drilling for oil and gas - the latest frontier in the national energy supply. Soon after, President Barack Obama appointed a seven-member Commission to investigate the disaster, analyze its causes and effects, and recommend the actions necessary to minimize such risks in the future.
The Commission's report offers the American public and policymakers alike the fullest account available of what happened in the Gulf and why, and proposes actions - changes in company behavior, reform of government oversight, and investments in research and technology - required as industry moves forward to meet the nation's energy needs. (Summary from the report) (17 hr 5 min)
I listened to it twice

Helen Hebert
Very technical at times, so it may not appeal to non technical people. I found it riveting. I could literally picture the diagrams as the descriptions were read. My only complaint is some mispronunciation of common Louisiana names.
very Raycyst

Bill Cosby
Failed to report on the special role played by the oppressed BIPOCs in fighting the deep water disaster, created by old white males. Also failed to explain how BIPOCs were disproportionately affected by the disaster. Finally it failed to explain how this disaster father marginalized marginalized nonbinary an gender indeterminate 2SLGBTQTIA+ individuals. On a more happy note, I am happy to report that even though government beaurocrats, who wrote this report, have no idea of why the rig exploded. Yet, that did not prevent then from writing this report at your expense. Government bureaucrats are extremely effective at writing reports that do not identify the cause of the problem, yet still conclude they need to be in charge of managing an industry they do not understand. It makes be proud to be managed by government bureaucrats and sad that the same government bureaucrats failed to identify the root cause of the problem; e.g my white male phalogocentricism.
Amazing Final Report N C on the BP feepwaterdocument

A LibriVox Listener