Nurse and Spy in the Union Army
Sarah Emma Edmonds
Read by TriciaG

The “Nurse and Spy” is simply a record of events which have transpired in the experience and under the observation of one who has been on the field and participated in numerous battles—among which are the first and second Bull Run, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, the Seven days in front of Richmond, Antietam, and Fredericksburg—serving in the capacity of “Spy” and as “Field Nurse” for over two years.
While in the “Secret Service” as a “Spy,” which is one of the most hazardous positions in the army—she penetrated the enemy’s lines, in various disguises, no less than eleven times; always with complete success and without detection.
Her efficient labors in the different Hospitals as well as her arduous duties as “Field Nurse,” embrace many thrilling and touching incidents, which are here most graphically described. - Summary from the preface (9 hr 18 min)

Tom in Idaho
Tricia does a nice job narrating. This is a great book and quite the adventure.

This lady lead an amazing life. She was very brave and it's an exciting read.
A rare combination

Magdeburg McKenzie
This book is a rare combination of war correspondence and devotional literature. The unvarying cadence and inflection of the reader, fine person though she may be, caused the listening experience to be less enjoyable than the content of the book. Nonetheless, I am glad that I persevered.
Nurse & Spy in the Union Army

Keith Horvath
Great rendition of this nurses incredible caring for the soldiers, in both sides. Also was also asked to be a spy for the Union. Many lives were saved as a result of he work.
Most awesome story & reader

A LibriVox Listener
this story told from a female point of view is inspiring even now in the year 2019. lots of History included in here. and realism with the heroism

Sarah was amazingly courageous and resourceful. Her adventures, her first person insights on the Civil War and her faith in God combine to make a can’t-put-it-down story.
What a great book and reader!

What struck me is how religious people were in those days. Stark difference to today's population in my opinion.
Farmer Don

Farmer Dan
Well written. an incredible record of Civil War history! although, I must say some of her Tails do seem a bit incredulous.