Days on the Road: Crossing the Plains in 1865
Sarah Raymond Herndon
Read by Sue Anderson

“We had spent almost all our money for toll, ferrying and other expenses on the road. It might be a serious matter to be in a strange place without money . . . There is nothing we can spare so well as Dick. . . . It would not do to be sentimental under existing circumstances.” This is the practical pioneer woman Sarah Raymond Herndon writing in her journal about selling her horse to finance the final days of her family’s trek across the plains to Montana. However, when her brother, Hillhouse, actually sells her beloved pony, Sarah is distraught. “I sobbed out loud. I could not help crying. I let the purse (with the money) roll out of my lap into the bottom of the wagon.” But then, she stiffens her resolve and displays a quiet sense of humor: “Of course, I knew the wagon bed was tight, and there was no danger of (the purse) being lost.” Sarah became the first school teacher in Virginia City, Montana. Her account of crossing the plains in 1865 is rich in emotion and incident. Summary by Sue Anderson (5 hr 36 min)
A glimpse into the past.

American History
This is a recorded journal of a young lady and her family's journey immigrating to the west in a wagon train. It is a gentle read which taught me several things that I have not listened to in other books of this kind. This story has the appropriate ups and downs to keep the reader interested from beginning to end. The narrator is not hard to listen too and did a fine job! If I could, I would give it 3 and 1/2 stars out of 5, but it is closer to 4 stars than 3. To the perspective listener, I hope you find this review helpful!
excellent true journey and excellent narration!

Lorraine M
I thoroughly enjoyed this true story. Sue reads nicely and at a great pace to digest. Can’t fathom life back then.
Hardcore Americans

Excellent tale of Grit and determination. Anyone reading this probably could not survive such an odesssy.

Innocent yet captivating. Writing from a youths perspective. Historically accurate although naive. Well read.
a perfect gem

Shay BD
such a talented diarist and Sue Anderson reads it beautifully
very good

Gerard Kelly
Worth listening to. enlightening and informative commentary with an excellent reader.

Very enjoyable first-hand account of a young pioneer crossing the plains.
Going West In 1865

Keith Horvath
Without those ever so brave hero's, The Women. All of them. These unsuspecting wives, mothers, sisters and all others are the reason this Great Country has so expanded. Other than some half truthed stories, no one new what it would entail. Yet, go they must, endured & lived thru did. Actually learning , loving & living this trip readied them for whatever came up on them. The travel's of a Missouri family going Westward in ox driven wagons.