The Saga of Gunnlaug the Worm-Tongue and Raven the Skald
Anonymoustranslated Bywilliam Morris and William James Mcglothlin
Read by Phil Schempf

A tale from Iceland, 800 years ago.
In a dream of quarrels and death
The birth of fair Helga is told
Cross the north seas ventured for fame
At the call of kings, hearth bereft
Wounded pride, spawn'd of a sensed slight
When tongues fail, sharper blades prevail
Falcon soothes the cloak wrapt wound
Fair one pines and fades from the light. - Summary by Fritz (1 hr 23 min)
I. Of Thorstein Eglison and his Kin. II. Of Thorstein's Dream. III. Of the Birt… | 12:26 | Read by Phil Schempf |
IV. Of Gunnlaug Worm-tongue and his Kin. V. Of Raven and his Kin. VI. How Helga… | 14:33 | Read by Phil Schempf |
VII. Of Gunnlaug in the East and the West. VIII. Of Gunnlaug in Ireland. | 14:10 | Read by Phil Schempf |
IX. Of the Quarrel between Gunnlaug and Raven before the Swedish King. X. How … | 11:19 | Read by Phil Schempf |
XII. Of Gunnlaug's landing, and how he found Helga wedded to Raven. XIII. Of th… | 14:43 | Read by Phil Schempf |
XV. How Gunnlaug and Raven agreed to go East to Norway, to try the matter again… | 10:29 | Read by Phil Schempf |
XVII. The News of the Fight brought to Iceland. XVIII. The Death of Helga the F… | 6:09 | Read by Phil Schempf |

The story is very interesting and leaves you wondering what will happen. I did not like the "singing" too much but, nevertheless, it would likely have been done like that in the old days when being retold. I enjoyed it.