Tales Of Tomorrow

Old Time Radio Programs, Tales of Tomorrow
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Sad fraud, guys - it's an early TV soundtrack, not OTR

There's a reason the sound is wretched. Someone took it off an old TV show, and it sounds like they sat a cheap pocket digital recorder in front of an old TV to do it. Anyway, it's appallingly awful. As far as saying people used to sound fuzzy and tinny, that's demonstrably untrue. There are razor sharp transcriptions and off-the-air recordings available of OTR, and early TV. Whoever had the gall to put up fake OTR was also a slouch on sound quality. Figures.

These are good shows, but the sound is brutal. If you can get past that, you'll find some outstanding 50s scifi. Three stars only thanks to the sound. To reference the above, the radio show ran from January 1–April 9th 1953, and these appear to be from that, not the more successful and influential tv show. "On the Air: The Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio. By John Dunning. ISBN: 0195076788, page 653"
Tales of Tommorrow

..oh, there's nothing wrong with the sound, if you were to travel back in time, then that is what people sounded like back then, ..kind of fuzzy and blurred, ..and everything was in black & white.., there was no color back then..
The other now

Missing classic episode, The Other Now (starring Bewitched's original Darrin Stephens, Dick York), is here. This page really should be in the OTR section also. https://archive.org/details/totradio