Gelesen von S. Lawrence Parrish
S. Lawrence Parrish

Meet Avery Carmichael, student-teacher. This year he's teamed up with Mr. Samuel Petersen, veteran teacher. Avery is about to get an education in educating. . . but not the one he is expecting.
In a semester that will see school-shootings in the United States and Canada, Sam Petersen's lessons to Avery will be, at first, enlightening. Then horrifying.
EDUCIDE: Why do schools have to bleed to make headlines?
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Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
Read by S. Lawrence Parrish
By: S. Lawrence Parrish

Hey Moreta, Thanks for reading! Sorry about the bummer ending, but it's the right ending for this story. Educide is a departure from the kind of stuff I usually write. Usually, I have fun writing. Unfortunately, Educide is semi-autobiographical, my response to some grim experiences I had teaching. The ending ...
rachael jensen

my son is about to become an highschool English teacher. this is a very sobering story. A very frightening one as we are in Texas where education funds have been slashed year after year. my youngest son left school in the ninth grade as he was targeted as a problem student and there was really no hope of him getting any help to become a successful student. he was targeted and fined for infractions such as walking on the wrong side of the hall. This story is painfully close to the truth . It breaks my heart and frightens me for our children's future.
The truth

The truth is......this is a mesmerizing book with a climax I didn't see coming. it's a truly amazing book with a interesting story lots of detailed characters. And in a typical Steve's fashion a twist that was really good. so out of ten a solid 9/½. This book would make a insanely good movie actually.

mr Parrish. I myself aspire to have my work published. I dont really care about money at all. I just want my stories heard. do you have any advice for a writer who has not found his true calling yet?. is my email. it would be a honor to hear from you.
By: Moreta

10/28/2013 I just finished listening to Educide. I'm located in the Midwest of the lower 48. What a bummer of an ending. We're so litigious I think the Sam Peterson character would have gone for legal advice much earlier. Keep on writing - you held my interest - I do ...
By: JenM

As a Canadian with a disability who attended school during the time period in which thw book takes place, I loved Educide. I was definitely one of those kids who feel through the cracks despite the occasional good intentioned teacher trying to help. I feel like Educide helped me understand ...
Great story

Different from your usual work but still great story and what a great way to stretch out of your comfort zone, loved it! And no need to apologize not all stories do not have happy endings and some people just can't understand that! keep up the good work!

Brilliant writer and reader! please keep the story's coming. this story speaks for thousands of schools all around then world and the children that attend them! I'm from Scotland and I see this way to much, children being left behind due to there difficulties.