In the Shadows
Gelesen von Basil Sands
Basil Sands

A collection of Short Stories by action author Basil Sands.
These stories will get your heart racing in thirty minutes or less as you plummet to the depths of human emotion and the desire to protect what is dearest when all hell breaks loose and there is no one there to do anything about it but an Average Joe...or an almost Average Joe. Think of each episode as something like the Twilight Zone, with guns, knives, and whatever the hero can find to defend themselves and their families from the bad guys. These are Basil's original action novels taken down to single episode bite size chunks that'll get your blood pressure up on the commute to the office, or while on the treadmill at the gym.
From a former Navy Seal, to a dad trying to make things right for his son, to a bunch of twenty something adventurers high on an Alaskan mountain you'll get the hardcore action you crave. Twice a month, delivered right to your MP3 player.
You want action? You want pulse pounding excitement? You want to see the bad guys get their due?
Here it is in a way that only a guy named Basil can do.
So make sure to put your tray table in the upright and locked position, and fasten your seat belt... it's going to be a wild ride.
This book comes from Visit Scribl to support the author or learn how to self-publish your own audiobook.
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
Read by Basil Sands
By: Markor

I’m very particular about what takes up real estate on my Ipod. I’m also a podcast junkie. I downloaded the first part “Geeks Rule”. Freaking amazing! Excellent story and production. I can’t get it out of my mind. I downloaded the rest of them today. This gets all the space ...
By: Jeff

I just finished listening to "The Storyman". I loved it. I'm excited that we got to catch an early glimpse of Kharzai. Hopefully he'll make appearances in future stories. He's a fun character. The rest of the stories in this book were great as well. I can't for the next ...
By: jim

Trawling through much of the dross on is rewarded when gems like this are stumbled upon. A great piece of work by Basil Sands. Well worth listening too. Tight writing, excellent pace, exceptional character construction, and great delivery. A gripping tale which will have you longing for the next ...
By: Basil Sands

Check out Basil's new <a href="" rel="nofollow">Facebook Page</a> Go there and join the Corps... give your input and chat with other listeners.

Wow, have survived PTSD myself from 1st Bat, 1st Marines - at 79, this brought back the fun times! Thanks.
By: Chris

Great stories, a bit different than your other stuff, ghosts and goblins and other creepies made for an interesting listen.
Jason Bourne stuck in the Twilight Zone
rey zaldy serna

Not recommended to those who has heart ailment.