Agriculture for Beginners
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Charles William Burkett
A textbook used by many public schools in the early 20th century. The authors believe that "agriculture is eminently a teachable subject. They see no difference between teaching the child the fundamental principles of farming and teaching the same child the fundamental truths of arithmetic, geography, or grammar. They hold that a youth should be trained for the farm just as carefully as he is trained for any other occupation, and that it is unreasonable to expect him to succeed without training." - Summary by the authors (7 hr 21 min)
good resources for the old ways
Logan Nicholson
it is really interesting to get a snapshot of agriculture from that time. some of the practices are ready to be put back into use. some are gone for good, and some have always been with us. I appreciate much of the advice on the lifestyle of farmers.
delightful informative listen but outdated
John Cotter
plenty of useful practical advice with some inaccuracies compared to today's understanding of biology