The Book of the Dead
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E. A. Wallis Budge
(3,708 Sterne; 48 Bewertungen)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead, or the Book of Coming Forth by Day, is an Ancient Egyptian funerary text consisting of spells to protect the soul on its journey to Duat, or Afterlife. (16 hr 29 min)
(5 Sterne)
Thank you for the recording.
Cigar Conspiracy
(5 Sterne)
lol who's this dude in all my ancient texts leaving these sjw jokes🤣 good book to absorb also
Philip Froloshky
(3 Sterne)
It was way beyond my ken. There is really big time and mindset difference. And this is why I couldnidt understand a lot.
(5 Sterne)
This book is/was only intended as 'an expression' not an 'actual book'. Thank you for the recording.
a spirit compass
(4,5 Sterne)
The Tibetian BOTD resonated better and a ver.1.1 would be awesome.