Jim The Story Of A Backwoods Police Dog (And Other Stories)
Gelesen von David Wales
Sir Charles G. D. Roberts

Deputy Sheriff Tug Blackstock wanted a dog to help with his work. As for Jim, at first glance he might almost have been taken for a slim, young black bear rather than a dog. They were a pair, indeed, to strike the most stolid imagination, let alone the sensitive, brooding, watchful imagination of the backwoods. Plus three other stories. - Summary by Story text and David Wales (4 hr 13 min)
Jim The Story Of A Backwoods Police Dog 1 How Woolly Billy Came To Brine's Rip
Read by David Wales
well read
James E

great short story . the jim story was very good except the ending but . loved it anyway.
read it!
Renee Koehn

enjoyed the police dog tales! great for kids!

Good animal stories. The ‘Jim’ stories were the best.

Right now each of the wilderness

Entertaining stories but overall disjointed and disconnected.