The Marie Antoinette Romances, Vol 5: The Countess of Charny
Gelesen von John Van Stan
Alexandre Dumas

This 5th volume of the Marie Antoinette Romances begins after the fall of the Bastille and the March on Versailles, which forced Louis XVI and his court to be escorted back to Paris. In Paris, political factions battle over the fate of the nation, the royal family, and anyone with royalist sympathies. Our heroes (like Ange Pitou) and our anti-heroes (like Gilbert) must navigate the blood-streaked landscape while keeping their necks out of the guillotine. All the while, the prophetic Balsamo urges on the revolution: "the quantity of blood which must be shed before the sun rises on the free world ... does not shake my conviction. I marched on, I march on, and on I shall march, overturning all that stands in my path, and saying to myself, in a calm voice, as I look around with a serene look: Woe to the obstacle, for this is the future which is coming!" - Summary by jvanstan (7 hr 52 min)
Zach Vietor

1. John Van Stan is an incredible narrator. 2. Not knowing what happens in the future novels this was a pretty good closure to the stories of Bilay and Pitou or however you spell it. 3. God save the king lol. Thank you John for your dedication to the Dumas novels, every night I listen to a chapter I send my gratitude. Can't wait for the next.

Van Stan does his usual fine read. Thanks! Dumas presents the events of this worst of revolutions in a delicate manner, not dwelling on the heinous actions of Robespierre and St Just, but on some of the effects of the decent citizens of France.
hamid golchin

Thanks a lot Jhon ,you are great reader.