Andrew Allen's Chair

Written and directed by Blake Brooker Andrew Allan was the father of radio drama in Canada. Calgary's One yellow Rabbit theatre troupe joins forces with CBC Radio One in this new play. Characters from the golden age of CBC Radio mix it up with contemporary writers and producers in this qudacious experiment that mixes the 40's with the 04's. Sunday 1st February 2004 10pm SUNDAY SHOWCASE CBCR1 Sunday, February 1st on Sunday Showcase CBC Radio 1, 1010 AM at 10:05 PM Monday, February 2nd on Monday Night Playhouse CBC Radio 2, 102.1 FM at 9:05 PM 9 & 10 January 2004 performances recorded in front of live Rodeo Audience at Big Secret Theatre Calgary Alberta for NATIONAL BROADCAST on CBC. One Yellow Rabbit & CBC Radio HIGH PERFORMANCE RADIO - ANDREW ALLAN'S CHAIR Big Secret Theatre - January 7 to 10 OYR & CBCThere’s nothing like a Presbyterian in a tuxedo to keep a radio play on its tracks. Words and egos collide in this unique live theatre/radio play co-production between CBC and One Yellow Rabbit to be recorded live in front of Rodeo audiences and broadcast nationally on the network’s Sunday Showcase and Monday Night Playhouse. Back in World War II, Canadians would huddle around their radios listening to breathless programs like Theatre of Freedom, Fighting Navy and L for Lanky. What they had in common, along with most other dramas from CBC Radio’s golden age, was the guiding presence of Andrew Allan. All told, Allan produced some 400 radio plays in his decades-long career. He was a notorious autocrat who dressed formally for radio broadcasts and insisted that his artists—people like William Shatner and John Drainie—did the same. Here, in High Performance Radio, a contemporary group of performers prepare to stage a live radio drama. The atmosphere is electric with a sense of determination and expectation. Is this a gang of articulate and serious observers of the world scene? Are they prepared to slay the sacred lambs and roaring lions of political hypocrisy, indifference and corruption? Into this mix of modern-day crusaders comes a mysterious stranger. From beyond the grave, with all the august portent of Lorne Greene’s “Voice of Doom,” emerges the dapper and ferociously intelligent Andrew Allan. *** January 9 & 10 performances will be recorded in front of our live Rodeo Audience for NATIONAL BROADCAST on CBC. Sunday, February 1st on Sunday Showcase CBC Radio 1, 1010 AM at 10:05 PM (MST) Monday, February 2nd on Monday Night Playhouse CBC Radio 2, 102.1 FM at 9:05 PM (MST) Jan 7 - 10 • Big Secret Theatre Written and Directed by Blake Brooker Featuring Allan Boss, Denise Clarke, Andy Curtis, Onalea Gilbertson and Brad Payne Sound Design by Richard McDowell Foley Artist Ute Schaffland Assistant Directed by David van Belle Produced by Stephen Schroeder (for OYR) and Allan Boss (for CBC) CBC Radio Arts & Entertainment Executive Producer Damiano Pietropaolo CBC Radio Arts & Entertainment Department Head James Roy Sound Engineers (CBC) Bob Doble and Tory Meyer Production Management by Ian Wilson House Technician Frank Gallant Program Image Ty Semaka The performance is 60 minutes with no intermission. One Yellow Rabbit and CBC Radio would like to thank Mavor Moore and Lister Sinclair for their assistance during the research for this project. Join us at the Auburn Saloon for a cocktail listening party Sunday February 1st at 9 pm. * Sound design by: Richard McDowell * Foley artist: Ute Schaffland * Production manager: Ian Wilson * House technician: Frank Gallant * Produced by: Stephen Schroeder (for OYR) and Allan Boss (for CBC) CBC Radio Arts & Entertainment * Executive Producer Damiano Pietropaolo CBC * Radio Arts & Entertainment Department Head James Roy * Sound Engineers (CBC) Bob Doble and Tory Meyer Featuring * Allan Boss * Denise Clarke * Andy Curtis * Onalea Gilbertson * Brad Payne Performances The Big Secret Theatre - Calgary, Alberta: January 7 - 10, 2004
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.