Operation Santara by Philip Barker

An adventure thriller by Philip Barker Tests for a scientific expedition at sea are rudely interrupted by a mysterious vessel. THE MYSTERY PROJECT: RTX CBC Radio 1 1997 19 26 April From Vancouver This week on The Mystery Project, Part One of a two-part mystery, "Operation Santara." They say that sea air is good for you. Maybe so, but not when Mike and Alex go for a night-time pleasure cruise in the English Channel. They become embroiled in a no-holds-barred struggle over the salvage of a valuable cargo, sunk aboard the "Santara" in 1942. Find out more in Part One of "Operation Santara" this Saturday evening on Mystery Project at 6:30 (7:30 AT, 8:00 NT) on CBC Radio. OTX MIDWEEK THEATRE BBC Radio 2, 23 April 1969 Produced By: John Tydeman Mike Slradbrook: Kerry Francis Alex: Brian Harrison Chalbeck: Peter Pratt Ardino: Roger Delgado Davis: Trader Faulkner
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.