The Thirty Nine-Steps By John Buchan

The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan The Butler runs into a room in Mr. Richard Hannay¹s apartment as a secret agent lies dying on the floor. A dagger in his back, writhing in pain, the agent sputters ³Tell Mr. Hannay, the 39 steps, high tide..,² and dies. Mr. Hannay returns and as he and his Butler discuss the precarious situation, another knife flies into the room and sticks into the wall. Stuck to the blade is an ace of spades with a red circle around the A. It¹s the calling card of The Blackstone, an international spy ring. This means certain death. Mr. Hannay embarks on a murder mystery adventure that involves assassination, secret plans and impostors. Starring: Budd Knapp, Bernard Braden, Lister Sinclair, Kathleen Kidd and others. Produced and Directed by Andrew Allan. Original Music Composed by Lucio Agostini. CBC Stage, 18 May 1947 Producer: Andrew Allan From Toronto Trans-Canada Network 60 minutes No. 33 of Stage 47 The Thirty - Nine Steps is an adventure novel by the Scottish author John Buchan . It first appeared as a serial in Blackwood's Magazine in August and September 1915 before being published in book form in October that year by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh. Adventurer Richard Hannay, just returned from South Africa, is thoroughly bored with London life-until he is accosted by a mysterious American, who warns him of an assassination plot that could completely destabalise the fragile political balance of Europe. Initially skeptical, Hannay nonetheless harbours the man-but one day returns home to find him murdered... An obvious suspect, Hannay flees to his native Scotland, pursued by both the police and a cunning, ruthless enemy. His life and the security of Britain are in grave peril, and everything rests on the solution to a baffling enigma: what are the 'thirty nine steps?'
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.