Developing a Good Heart
Ven. Robina Courtin

Ven. Robina Courtin A talk by Ven. Robina Courtin entitled "Developing the Good Heart". In Portland Oregon June 11th 2005. Sponsored by Matripa Institute. Held at the Northwest Tibetan Cultural Association's Bhod Khang Shrine Room.
Robina rocks...!

i'm only about 60 minutes into this lecture and robina courtin is blowing me away... she's got the high level deep insightful wisdom of a tibetan monk, but sounds at times like a female alan watts on her 6th cup of coffee... this is beautiful mind and heart challenging stuff, really great, her understandings are deeply rooted in ancient tibetan buddhist wisdom yet calibrated for our modern times, this is 21st century dharma at its best.... just brilliant.... you go girl! riv::

It's a great introduction for anyone (like myself) who is curious about finding peace in this crazy world. Robina Courtin puts things into perspective very well and speaks clearly for anyone to understand what she is trying to convey. My only shrug was with her Q&A where she seemed a bit rushed in letting the questions be emphasized. However, she is an excellent speaker and the points were made.
Developing a Good Heart
Cheri J

Venerable Robina's teachings always hit the spot with me,and this one is no exception, this one is absolutely brilliant! Venerable breaks down the teachings on karma and purification in such a way that throughout the teaching one just naturally seems to come face to face with the Good Heart over and over again.
The Two Wings

I am invited in, and I hear, "I am. I am not. I am. I am not." Thank you for my wings. Thank you Ven. Robina for getting out of bed on the day you spoke these words and on the day I heard them. 143, John

watermedicinebuddah boddysatva puja king of prayers i am guarded by you we are guarded by eachother manu love light god/goddess one all padme madme omm shakti ma kundalini mano water aum

watermedicinebuddah boddysatva puja king of prayers i am guarded by you we are guarded by eachother manu love light god/goddess one all padme madme omm shakti ma kundalini mano water aum