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5777 Balak Audio

40th Torah Parsha Study - "Balak" about the King of Moab's attempt at cursing the people of Israel.  Taken from Numbers 22:2 - 25:9 Torah Teaching at the Assembly of Called-Out Believers - by Torah Teacher Pastor Isaac Pastor Isaac's study reveals that the Enemy seeks to curse God's people but cannot as long as they are unified in God with God as their central focus... as the camp of Israel was laid out around the tabernacle filled with the glory of Hashem!  Bilaam, the hired diviner cannot say anything against them but can only bless them!  When the Enemy cannot bring about their demise through verbal curses because they are following God's Torah, the Enemy brings  temptation to sin and transgress God's Torah through fornication with the Moabite women and thus curse themselves! In Bamidbar 24:7, 17, & 19 we see hidden glimpses pointing to the future Messiah!  In this video you will come to look at the story of Balaam and the donkey in a whole new light! Visit our website at for the video and to learn more... or listen here, click like and share with your friends!


5777 Balak - Audio
