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Short Story Collection Vol. 002

Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers

(3,778 Sterne; 36 Bewertungen)

LibriVox’s Short Story Collection 002: a collection of 10 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a variety of LibriVox members. (3 hr 34 min)


A Baby Tramp


Read by Peter Yearsley

The Black Cat


Read by Don Morgan

The Cask of Amontillado


Read by Zach Weissmueller

The Diamond Necklace


Read by Alys AtteWater



Read by ianish

The Last Leaf


Read by Ted McElroy

The Little Match Girl


Read by Ted Hanley

Marjorie Daw


Read by William Coon

The Toys of Peace


Read by Tae Jensen

Young Goodman Brown


Read by Brian Roberg


Trigger Warning

(0,5 Sterne)

Posting a Trigger Warning - these have gross violence. esp. Poe's Black Cat. Couldn't finish it. Wish I'd not heard that part.

Marjorie Daw

(5 Sterne)

I only listened to this one story from this collection. Marjorie Daw is a really great story and that is all I will say. If I say any more it might spoil your listening pleasure. Highly recommend. Also the narrator was top notch!

The Toys of Peace

(4 Sterne)

When children pointing a finger as an imaginary weapon at another child may cause suspension from school, this is social engineering at its best. A good dramatic reading I enjoyed anyways.

Didn’t finish it

(2 Sterne)

I didn’t realise that the theme for this selection of stories was morbid plots. I listened to a few stories, and then googled the rest to confirm my suspicions that this was a sad bunch of tales. They might be well written and appreciated by others, but I like my reading it be a little more cheerful.