Complete Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism
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A. Alpheus

Written in 1903, just sixty years after the word 'hypnotism' was coined, this book explores the contemporary understanding of the nature, uses and dangers of the technique. Hypnotism has been practiced for many centuries, but it was in the mid-to-late nineteenth century that it became a particularly fashionable way to explore the human mind. Although understanding of the subject has evolved considerably over subsequent years, this book remains a fascinating insight into a technique once thought to be at the forefront of medical science.
(summary by Stuart Bell) (3 hr 48 min)
the world is not what we think it is

Very well read book and an equally interesting topic.

very nice book, found it very interesting
Amandio vilela

title is right on
ArangaShane Strickland

. I look around the world today I see the hypnotism of this nocebo virus I is is there even a real virus or we just thought to believe there is and therefore it is.things are only real cause we think them to be real. like minds can or unlike mind can hit me up@ beaverschewwood gmail or FB
beat box books bandistd

What a fantastically banada nada dan O pan lock ley lope mo gull glow blow below bee low cee lonlo okaay toast be tat a t tat lockley ok ok ok mostly ok jock jack bin jee jop pop pool lolx zox lopes lipps sop sip sips soopp
Very interesting
Mike Domanusz

Great listen, a few chapters had a poor quality recording, but the content was superb
splendid read

Wonderful insight into the subject
Wonderful read
Karen Bromberg

I enjoyed this book