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Nonsense Novels

Gelesen von TriciaG

(4,083 Sterne; 12 Bewertungen)

Ten silly stories by Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock. (Summary by Tricia G) (3 hr 27 min)


00 - Preface


Read by TriciaG

01 - Maddened by Mystery: or, The Defective Detective


Read by TriciaG

02 - 'Q.' A Psychic Pstory of the Psupernatural


Read by TriciaG

03 - Guido the Gimlet of Ghent: A Romance of Chivalry


Read by TriciaG

04 - Gertrude the Governess: or, Simple Seventeen


Read by TriciaG

05 - A Hero in Homespun: or, The Life Struggle of Hezekiah Hayloft


Read by TriciaG

06 - Sorrows of a Super Soul: or, The Memoirs of Marie Mushenough


Read by TriciaG

07 - Hannah of the Highlands: or, The Laird of Loch Aucherlocherty


Read by TriciaG

08 - Soaked in Seaweed: or, Upset in the Ocean


Read by TriciaG

09 - Caroline's Christmas: or, The Inexplicable Infant


Read by TriciaG

10 - The Man in Asbestos: an Allegory of the Future


Read by TriciaG


Great listen

(5 Sterne)

Leacock pokes fun at just about every conceivable style of fiction popular in his day, read in perfect deadpan by TriciaG. Some stories are more effective than others, and one of them was so true to the genre it was trying to ridicule that I found myself forgetting that it was supposed to be a parody and didn't find it funny at all. Nevertheless, if you listen to this recording without laughing out loud several times, you are made of stern stuff indeed!

Funny, a little dated.

(3 Sterne)

A Librivox recording that’s funny in parts and dated in others. In each section the author writes a short story which parodies the tropes of one of the genres popular in his time. Some of the jokes still find the mark.

TriciaG - Thank you

(5 Sterne)

Huge fan of both - reader and writer.

more good nonsense

(4 Sterne)

Some great howlers in here...