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Emily Fox-Seton

Gelesen von Caroline Driggs

(4,659 Sterne; 393 Bewertungen)

Have you ever wondered what happened to Cinderella after she married the prince? Have you ever asked yourself if it was really "happy ever after?" Actually, in this Victorian melodrama, it's not. 35-years-old Emily Fox-Seton, quite penniless and a little lonely, saves herself from becoming an old maid by agreeing to a marriage proposal from the marquess of Walderhurst, thus becoming "one of the richest Marchionesses in England". She is naïve, kind and good. She doesn't believe that people are really willing to hurt her, but why are all these strange accidents happening?

This novel is divided into 2 parts. The first, "The Making Of A Marchioness" tells about the odd courtship of Emily and lord Walderhurst. The second part, "The Methods of Lady Walderhurst", most of the book, tells what happens after… This adult fairy tale, which, by mistakes, becomes a realistic novel, is a captivating book.
I wish you all a wonderful reading. (Summary by Stav Nisser) (7 hr 27 min)


01 - Chapter 1


Read by Caroline Driggs

02 - Chapter 2


Read by Caroline Driggs

03 - Chapter 3


Read by Caroline Driggs

04 - Chapter 4


Read by Caroline Driggs

05 - Chapter 5


Read by Caroline Driggs

06 - Chapter 6


Read by Caroline Driggs

07 - Chapter 7


Read by Caroline Driggs

08 - Chapter 8


Read by Caroline Driggs

09 - Chapter 9


Read by Caroline Driggs

10 - Chapter 10


Read by Caroline Driggs

11 - Chapter 11


Read by Caroline Driggs

12 - Chapter 12


Read by Caroline Driggs

13 - Chapter 13


Read by Caroline Driggs

14 - Chapter 14


Read by Caroline Driggs

15 - Chapter 15


Read by Caroline Driggs

16 - Chapter 16


Read by Caroline Driggs

17 - Chapter 17


Read by Caroline Driggs

18 - Chapter 18


Read by Caroline Driggs

19 - Chapter 19


Read by Caroline Driggs

20 - Chapter 20


Read by Caroline Driggs

21 - Chapter 21


Read by Caroline Driggs

22 - Chapter 22


Read by Caroline Driggs

23 - Chapter 23


Read by Caroline Driggs

24 - Chapter 24


Read by Caroline Driggs


Emily Fox-Seton

(5 Sterne)

Nice interesting story. Excellent narrator, perfect for this book. Many thanks.

Good Story, Except for Racism

(4 Sterne)

Yes, I 'm white. My children are half Chinese. My grandchildren are half Afro-American. I don't consider myself a racist, but I did enjoy this story. It was well written, and I believe we can acknowledge past injustice, without censoring every reference to it. Not only can we celebrate the progress that brought Obama to the White House, and Ms. Markle to Buckingham Palace, but adults can appreciate historical literature despite the ugliness it depicts. Thank you for giving me the right to read this "lost" tale from Frances Hodgson Burnett.

(4,5 Sterne)

A good read indeed and beautifully read. Thank you Caroline

an engaging story!

(5 Sterne)

Quite a nice listen! A very well-read and entertaining story. Kept me coming back to the story, wondering what course of action Emily would take in response the the challenges she faced. Listening made my usually long, dull work hours at the sandblaster fly by painlessly:) Thank you Ms Driggs! Pls read some more!

A good read

(5 Sterne)

This was a nice story I really enjoyed it. There were times when I did get a bit frustrated with Emily for being so darn nice, I hated seeing her niceness being exploited. The narrator was beyond fabulous, she has a lovely voice that so appropriately suits this story. A nice sweet story, enjoy!

Emily Fox-Seton

(5 Sterne)

Caroline Driggs gives a professional, heart-felt reading of this tender story... that has an edge. Burnett was a literary craftsman who is unfairly dismissed as merely a writer of sentimental kids' stories. Thank you Caroline. More please. TheBookworm (Manchester, UK)

A story well-read

(5 Sterne)

"Emily Fox-Seton" is interesting and moves along well (although Emily is a bit too nice!) The story was beautifully read with just the right amount of feeling and emotion.

Odd, but Pleasant.

(4 Sterne)

Nice little story. More violent/grim and harsh than I expected. Excellently read; the voice fit the tale very well.