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History of Farming in Ontario

Gelesen von Esther

(4,591 Sterne; 11 Bewertungen)

This is a paper on the history of farming in Ontario. It take the reader through the early settlement from 1783 to the modern period of 1888-1912. We see how farming and farm industries developed and how the population was distributed during these times. We see the trends of settlers moving into the Urban centers instead of rural and how the farm industries (making cheese, butter, wool, etc) move off the farm to the city factories.

Excerpt: “The farmer’s wife in those days was perhaps the most expert master of trades ever known. She could spin and weave, make a carpet or a rug, dye yarns and clothes, and make a straw hat or a birch broom. Butter, cheese, and maple sugar were products of her skill, as well as bread, soap, canned fruits, and home-made wine. In those days the farm was a miniature factory or combination of factories.” (Summary by Esther) (1 hr 23 min)


1 - Part One


Read by Esther

2 - Part Two


Read by Esther

3 - Part Three


Read by Esther


(5 Sterne)

helpful information, well and clearly read. Thank you.

Much of this lost to Americans. Too bad!

(4 Sterne)

The history is of great value because it tells of life only a few generations past. Your Great Grandmother, may have know HER Great Grand parents well enough to remember. so people from 200 years ago formed beliefs and came to know "truths" that are part of your basic outlook. Yet because Ontario is in the title, I fear many people in the United States will pass this by. A tragedy for knowledge because this is history of PEOPLE. In America much valued history is taught but it tends to include less of what life in a day involved and more or large issues wrestled with by people in power and how they attempted to sell a large populace on their positions. what is taught is crucial. The problems arise because in America we do not study near enough hours in looking at the life of young who fought to find time to relax and build energy and interest to find out more about opportunity to work outside the jobs our families held for generations. Or how it was Mothers who met in town functions and wanted better schools.