Celebrated Travels and Travellers, vol. 1
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Jules Verne

The famous writer of great adventure stories Jules Verne wrote also several lesser known, but good non-fiction works. "Celebrated travels and travellers" tells the story of geographical discovery in the same well written and precise manner we are used to finding in Verne’s fiction books. This book is divided into 3 volumes. This is the first volume, named the "Exploration of the World" and it covers the period in the World's history of exploration from B.C. 505 to the close of the 17th century. The second and third volumes are respectively entitled "The great navigators of the 18th century" and "The great navigators of the 19th century".
Coordinated by Kristine Bekere and Kajo. (18 hr 23 min)
Preface. First Part, Chapter I, part 1. Celebrated travellers before the Christ…
Read by William Tomcho
First Part, Chapter I, part 2. Celebrated travellers before the Christian era.
Read by William Tomcho
First Part, Chapter II. Celebrated travellers from the 1st to the 9th century.
Read by William Tomcho
First Part, Chapter III, part 1. Celebrated travellers between the 10th and 13t…
Read by ToddHW
First Part, Chapter III, part 2. Celebrated travellers between the 10th and 13t…
Read by ToddHW
First Part, Chapter VIII, part 1a. The conquest of India, and of the spice coun…
Read by William Tomcho
First Part, Chapter VIII, part 1b. The conquest of India, and of the spice coun…
Read by William Tomcho
First Part, Chapter VIII, part 2a. The conquest of India, and of the spice coun…
Read by MJ Franck
First Part, Chapter VIII, part 2b. The conquest of India, and of the spice coun…
Read by Ellen Preckel
Second Part, Chapter III, part 1a. The polar expedition and the search for the …
Read by rookieblue
Second Part, Chapter III, part 1b. The polar expedition and the search for the …
Read by ToddHW
Second Part, Chapter III, part 2a. The polar expedition and the search for the …
Read by Steven Reynolds
Second Part, Chapter III, part 2b. The polar expedition and the search for the …
Read by Steven Reynolds
Second Part, Chapter IV, part 1. Voyages of adventure and privateering warfare.
Read by Steven Reynolds
Second Part, Chapter IV, part 2. Voyages of adventure and privateering warfare.
Read by Steven Reynolds
Second Part, Chapter V, part 1. Missionaries and settlers. Merchants and touris…
Read by Anna Simon
Second Part, Chapter V, part 2a. Missionaries and settlers. Merchants and touri…
Read by Anna Simon
Second Part, Chapter V, part 2b. Missionaries and settlers. Merchants and touri…
Read by Anna Simon

Very nice. My 8th great grandfather Samuel Hubbard of Newport RI arrived in 1632. It is wonderful to read of historical contemporaries. Reading Samuel's letters and those of his daughter Ruth; together with correspondence between Hubbard and Rodger Williams. Makes all the pictures detail and color a tapestry of times designe. Verne gives such a fair and contextual perspective. listening again. looking for hard copies.
Journey to the past
Nate Moffatt

This series is easily one of my favourites to listen to. Beautifully written and extremely easy to listen to. I particularly like the Marco Polo chapters read by ‘ carol ‘ and would love to find more readings from her. Her voice is hypnotic and so pleasant to listen to.
Avid Listener

Verne's ability to assimilate and organize information is always amazing. Everyone can learn something knew from this work. It was also very well narrated.
ruined by multiple reader's
Dave H

another book ruined by multiple reader's

I usually try to avoid books with multiple readers.
Melinda Rahe

I really enjoyed these interesting stories

interesting but a little dry for our age but never ceases to amaze me when this was written
Well written and read.

A fascinating and broad ranging overview.