On the Nature of the Gods
Gelesen von Geoffrey Edwards
Marcus Tullius Cicero

De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods) outlines Stoic, Epicurean and Academic (Skeptical) views on religious questions. Problems discussed include: evil, the origin of the world, divination, and characteristics of God(s). (Summary by Geoffrey Edwards) (6 hr 39 min)

Good book, but very narration is a f disaster!
an artefact that still speaks
Jon Mark Wilson

I thought the narrator did well, keeping many subclauses in order. I listened at a faster clip, which his clear diction also permitted. I am struck by how the arguments continue today on many of the same lines, some of the scientific information has changed but the inferences have not, and once again the greatest objections boil down to unfairness in what is suffered. It compares very favorably with other ancient dialogues.

Terrible reading, sound as though there is a full stop every two words.

I cannot take this narration any more; “the horror of it all.”
Glory Dey

Excellent Reading And Good Philosophical Work For The Initiates Of Esoteric Metaphysics.

This sh*t was narrated by a bot no lie

wondful book. wonderful reading. Thank you!
On the Nature of Geoffrey Edwards
Mithradates Megas

An excellent narration or an excellent author. the voice of Geoffrey Edwards is unique, his tone even, and his diction clear and crisp. An impressive reading, especially to apparently be in such long sittings without error. My thanks to Geoffrey Edwards, for taking the time to record this. I have listened to it many times, and indeed I have registered chiefly to write this review. The quality of this audio recording has convinced me to make further use of this Library - and for that, I must offer my thanks a second time.