The Tale of Miss Kitty Cat
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Arthur Scott Bailey

The rats and the mice thought that Miss Kitty Cat was a terrible person. She was altogether too fond of hunting them. They agreed, however, that in one way it was pleasant to have her about the farmhouse. When she washed her face, while sitting on the doorsteps, they knew—so they said!—that it was going to rain. And then Mrs. Rat never would let her husband leave home without taking his umbrella. As a rule Miss Kitty Cat didn't look at all frightful. Almost always she appeared quite unruffled, going about her business in a quiet way and making no fuss over anything. Of course when old dog Spot chased—and cornered—her, she was quite a different sort of creature. Then she arched her back, puffed her tail out to twice its usual size, and spat fiercely at Spot. He learned not to get within reach of her sharp claws, when she behaved in that fashion. For old Spot had a tender nose. And no one knew it better than Miss Kitty Cat. (Summary by Arthur Scott Bailey) (1 hr 38 min)

This is an awesome book I loved it
GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

excellent ! really I can't believe 😮 how they make such good 👍💞 storys
Bonnie Conners

wonderful story. I enjoyed when the readers changed their voice for different characters.

Cats have nine lives - AND nine personalities!

ok for kids no so fun for adults

Chapters too short otherwise good

Short but sweet. I love it.♡
Great story...easily followed &enjoyed.
Captain Felix

Loved the variety of narrators who read their parts well...even the parts within their part if you understand. Miss Kitty Kat's kitnapping, her escape, Spot's 1st encounter with her & the claw he got right into his nose (ouch!), & all the smart conversations in between. Thanks readers, I just loved it.👍👍👍