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A Daily Rate

Gelesen von TriciaG

(4,616 Sterne; 268 Bewertungen)

A dark, dreary boardinghouse, with unpalatable meals and slovenly housekeeping is all she can afford. But God will give Celia just what she needs each day - a daily rate. (Summary by TriciaG) (7 hr 50 min)


Chapter I


Read by TriciaG

Chapter II


Read by TriciaG

Chapter III


Read by TriciaG

Chapter IV


Read by TriciaG

Chapter V


Read by TriciaG

Chapter VI


Read by TriciaG

Chapter VII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter VIII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter IX


Read by TriciaG

Chapter X


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XI


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XIII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XIV


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XV


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XVI


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XVII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XVIII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XIX


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XX


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XXI


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XXII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XXIII


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XXIV


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XXV


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XXVI


Read by TriciaG

Chapter XXVII


Read by TriciaG


a Joy to Read

(5 Sterne)

This book was a joy to read. Much more down to earth than most of Hill's other books, which can be a bit sappy.

Cinderella story but not Pollyanna

(5 Sterne)

it is always a comfort to read and reread, or listen and read listen to glh books. when you think about it, in heaven all will be victory. so why not encourage ourselves with these stories which do end in victory and encourage us when times are down? I realize that in this life we do not always get that inheritance, but eternally we surely will if we have trusted in Jesus to save us.

A Daily Rate GLH

(5 Sterne)

I have this book on a shelf, but had completely forgotten the plot and how wonderfully all came together ❤️. I loved it! The reader's voice when the story called for a song was sweet and seemed to fit right into the story. Changing her voice with the dialog was also done well. As far as the story line, GLH superbly integrates the secular and spiritual segments seamlessly. The characters so fittingly follow her lead, first to the criss then in service for the Master. l loved it.

a sweet story

(5 Sterne)

well worth your time to read. A good reminder that the Lord does supply a daily rate, and that our worrying, altho a natural human trait, is a waste of time. Live for today and make it the best day so that when you go to bed at night, you can trust in His grace and leave the worries to Him.

(5 Sterne)

A Daily Rate is one of GLH’s best books. I feel like getting my own paper copy so I read it again, and yet again. Celia is described as so human and not angelic and beautiful so is easy to relate to. I appreciate the warm wisdom that is woven throughout the book, mainly from the lips of Aunt Hannah.

Tricia G does it again!

(4,5 Sterne)

Once again Tricia G has done a wonderful job reading Grace Livingston Hill! Thank you Tricia. More please 💙. I enjoyed the humanity in all the characters; their vulnerabilities and personal growth. A good reminder that God is working behind the scenes in spite of our weakness to rush to judgement.

a great download

(5 Sterne)

i greatly enjoy books by Pansy and her niece GLH. this is one of my favorites. I have certain books that I keep downloaded to re-visit the characters. This is one such book. Thanks, TriciaG for all your hard work. 😘 11/22

One of my favorites

(4,5 Sterne)

When GLH's books were reissued as paperbacks in the 1970s, I reread my copy of "A Daily Rate" until the pages fell out. Interesting plot, even more interesting emphasis on trusting God. It stands the test of time.